Podcast site: http://web.stcloudstate.edu/schoolmediapodcast/
The reason I chose this site is because it provides podcasts from different librarians such as Wanda Erickson who works two jobs, one in the public library setting as well as the elementary and high school library. She compare/contrasts the various roles she fills within each library settings. Some of the other podcast creators/interviewees discuss how podcasting is a great way to interact with other librarians as at times they feel like they are in their own "bubbles." They discuss various books that are popular within their setting, such as the Twilight series. They also discuss what they struggle with as described as certain restrictions within their school settings which hinders their advancement in the technology aspect. For example, some school discuss the banning of vidoes, conferencing which includes podcasting, which they would hope to incorporate into their libraries as a way of technological advancement. The Lewin podcast discuss the incorporation of SMART boards and Skype into her library which helps students in their informational searches which is my topic of competency. It is a VERY informational podcast site for anyone hoping to enter the public school library sector.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Competency 1
I have chosen a blog composed by a Techie from Conroe, Texas. I went to the ESC 6 Technology Conference and she was BY FAR the most interesting speaker of the whole affair! Her name is Amy Mayer and her blog is: http://urenglishteacher.blogspot.com/
I chose this blog because it is all about FREE (or thereabouts) Web 2.0 apps and other neat technology apps you can incorporate into the curriculum either as a teacher and/or librarian! I am posting part of her blog about how you can create your own document camera for $100.00!
$100 Document Camera
Written on 2:07 PM by Ur English Teacher
We call ours eyeCamD; you can call yours BETTER and CHEAPER! Stop paying $400, $500 or more for document cameras right now. Using a few supplies from your local hardware store, you can use a high quality webcam as a document camera with TONS more functionality.
I chose this blog because it is all about FREE (or thereabouts) Web 2.0 apps and other neat technology apps you can incorporate into the curriculum either as a teacher and/or librarian! I am posting part of her blog about how you can create your own document camera for $100.00!
$100 Document Camera
Written on 2:07 PM by Ur English Teacher
We call ours eyeCamD; you can call yours BETTER and CHEAPER! Stop paying $400, $500 or more for document cameras right now. Using a few supplies from your local hardware store, you can use a high quality webcam as a document camera with TONS more functionality.
My Bookshelf
My interest is in the public school forum of library science. I am interested in helping student users successfully navigate through the school libraries and develop a lifetime love for libraries.